Ongoing projects in 2023

Project Name: Implementation and Evaluation od Child Talks+ preventive intervention for children of parents with mental health problems.
Reg.No: ZD-ZDOVA1-019, EEA Grants 2014-2021.
The project is supported by the grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway.
Grant Recipient: Charles University
Partners: E-clinic, The Arctic University of Norway, Voksne for Barn, ADHD Iceland.
Duration: 1. 3. 2021 – 31. 12. 2023

Project Name: SPARK Resilience
Reg.No: PRCH-IP-0018/2023
Duration: 1. 4. 2023 – 31. 12. 2023
Supported by: The Ministry of Education, Czech Republic
Project on Training of 50 school professionals.

Projects from 2022-2015

Project Name: SPARK - Program for Supporting Children's Mental Health
Reg.No.: PRCH-IP_0034/2022  
Supported by: the Ministry of Education, Czech Republic
Grant Recipient: E-clinic
Duration: 1. 8. 2022 – 31. 12. 2022
Project on Implementation and training of 40 school professionals.

Project Name: Comprehensive Program for Adults with ADHD
Reg.No.: CZ.03.2.60/0.0/0.0/16_134/0008190
Supported by: European Union - European Social Fund, Operational Program Employment
Duration: 1. 8. 2018 - 30. 9. 2020
Grant Recipient: E-clinic
Project on Development of the Comprehensive program for Adults with ADHD with 40 hours of support for each client.

Project Name: Zippy’s and Apple’s Friends – programs for developing social skills
Reg. No.: CZ.07.4.68/0.0/0.0/15_005/0000040, OP Prague – Growth Pole.
Grant Recipient: Center of Social Services Prague
Partner: E-clinic
Duration: 1. 9. 2016 - 30. 6. 2018
Project on Implementation of Apple’s Friends and training of professionals.

Project Name: Healthy and Free
Reg.No.: CZ11/MGS/039
Supported by: Norway Grants, Ministry of Health, Czech Republic
Duration: 1. 5. 2015 - 30. 4. 2017
Grant Recipient: E-clinic
Partners: ROS Norway, Center of Social Services Prague
Project on Development of preventive and educative web portal focused on anonymous professional help for adolescents at risk of eating disorders.

Project Name: Zippy’s Friends in the Czech Republic
Reg.No: CZ11/MGS/031
Supported by: Norway Grants, Ministry of Health, Czech Republic
Grant Recipient: E-clinic
Partners: Center of Social Services Prague, Voksne vor Barn Norway
Duration: 1. 5. 2015 - 31. 10. 2016
Project on Implementation and evaluation of Zippy's Friends for mental health promotion in children.
