Welcome to E-clinic

Our mission is to promote mental health of children, the youth, and adults so that everyone can receive the best and most tailored support and care.

E-clinic is an NGO with 20+ years of experience treating and preventing mental illnesses. We mainly focus on areas where services have been underdeveloped: eating disorders and related diagnoses, adult ADHD, mental health promotion, and prevention for children. We implement innovative, evidence-based prevention, therapy, and education methods in the Czech Republic.

Zippy's Friends

Eating disorders

Adult ADHD


We are grateful for the financial support to

Grant projects

Gábi Foundation

Conference partners

Support us

Pokud vám naše práce připadá smysluplná a chtěli byste nás podpořit, kontaktujte nás. Vaše podpora může být finanční, mediální či materiální. Potvrzení o finančním daru, díky němuž můžete získat slevu na dani, vám rádi vystavíme.
